Tekken 8/Asuka Kazama

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Revision as of 01:59, 7 September 2024 by SirRiCK (talk | contribs) (Created page with "asuka ========HIGHS/MIDS 1 series // 1,2,4 ch string, 1,2,3 unblockable gimmick, hold or cancel into crouch, 1,1 safe high mid, 1,3 low string df1 series // df1,2 mid high ch combo (duckable reactable), df1,4 mid mid -12 2nd hit ch db1 series // db1,2 mid high hit confirmable heat engager, db1,4 for the yolo practioners (-15) 4 (m4) // 11f high, knockdown on CH for guaranteed f2~1 f1+2 // heat engager power crush, panic button, overpowered ff1 // bryan b1, +5 ob, guaran...")
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========HIGHS/MIDS 1 series // 1,2,4 ch string, 1,2,3 unblockable gimmick, hold or cancel into crouch, 1,1 safe high mid, 1,3 low string df1 series // df1,2 mid high ch combo (duckable reactable), df1,4 mid mid -12 2nd hit ch db1 series // db1,2 mid high hit confirmable heat engager, db1,4 for the yolo practioners (-15) 4 (m4) // 11f high, knockdown on CH for guaranteed f2~1 f1+2 // heat engager power crush, panic button, overpowered ff1 // bryan b1, +5 ob, guaranteed db1,2 on hit d2 // safe mid HE, good range, safe mid poke to throw out df2 // safe mid launcher, can throw it out in hopes of them moving forward/pressing etc 1+2 // safe TRUE mid launcher, amazing when used in tandem with d1+2 50/50 df4 // 12f mid, good range, -9 ob uf3 // low crush mid, forward momentum, CH combo starter ss2 // evasive mid heat engager, -13 ob, combo starter in heat b3 // zoning tool, mid launcher, -17 ob but has massive distance/hard to punish b4 // CH launching safe mid knee, good mid poke, frame trap after ff1 on block f2 // main whiff punish, can punish certain moves with knockback f4 // high homing launcher and +ob ff3 // homing mid, great range mainly used at wall f2+3 // punch sabaki, combo starter b2+3 // kick sabaki, combo starter

========LOWS db3 // low stature kick, good frames good reach d1+2 // hellsweep, f2~1 follow up for gusto d3+4 // cancan, low crushes on frame 5 (fastest in game), panic button and overpowered frankly db4 // "safe" lows, mainly used at round end when opponent has no hp, can lowparry these on hit fc DF2 // CH bait low, very strong during fc mix up game (ws1+2 or ws2,1+2 mix up)

========GRABS + PARRY b1+3 // asukas parry, mid/high legs/arms, extremely strong panic button and she can hold it, wall splats on reverse and f3+4/f2~1 follow up df2+3 // 2 break, absolutely amazing because it is a launcher on certain stages, abuse it f1+3 // unbreakable grab, mid/low mix up of 2 (HE, safe OB), or 4 (low sweep, f2~1 follow up) uf1+2 // generic 1+2 grab, leaves face towards for good oki FC db1+2 // LAUNCHING grab, 1+2 break, extremely strong when cancelling f2 or f3 into crouch 1+2+3+4, 1+2 // cancel ki charge into an unbreakable tackle, has okizeme set ups

========PUNISHMENT 10f 1,3 // 11f WS4 12f 2,3 // 14f ws1,4 -> f3+4 14f uf2 // 18f (LAUNCH) ws3 15f df2

========WALL COMBO 1+4, 2, 4

========COMBO df2 - ff2,3 - 2,1,2 - uf3 - heat burst(2+3) STOP/// db4,3 or d3+4 here for wall if needed, if no wall u1+2 - f3+4 1+2 - db4,3 - 2,1,2 - uf3 - heat burst..... etc b3 - db4,3 - 2,1,2 - uf3 - .... etc